House is for the sale at Ward No-14, Savyatanagar, Thasikhel, Lalitpur, which is built on a total land area of 0-6-2-0 aana. This house at Savyatanagar, Thasikhel is suitable for the residential purpose which is located in a very peaceful area. This house for sale provides a good neighborhood for people who like in peaceful and good surroundings. This house is about 500 m distance from The Thasikhel Chowk, this house is for sale for those who like to live in a good neighborhood and peaceful surroundings. Since this property is south faced, so we can expect plenty of sunlight and fresh air to stimulate a better, pleasant environment. All the basic facilities like electricity, water supply, drainage, fencing, parking for a car, and motorcycles available in this house.
सभ्यतानगर , थसिखेल , ललितपुर मा ६ आना २ पैसा जग्गा मा बनेको १३ फिट पिच बाटोमा रहेको दुई तल्ले दक्षिण मोहोडाको आकर्षक घर बिक्रि मा रहेको छ। भुकम्प प्रतिरोधात्मक शान्त वातावरणमा रहेको यस घर आवाशीय प्रयोजनको निम्ति उपयुक्त छ। यस तिन बेडरुम वाला अत्याधुनिक सुविधायुक्त यस घरको मूल्य ३ करोड ५० लाख रखिएको छ।
Floor plans of this house:
Ground floor: 1 living room, 1 kitchen, dining room, Puja room, waiting room, Store, 1 bathroom
First floor: 1 small living room, 1 Master Bedroom with attached bathroom, 2 other bedrooms & 1 bathroom.
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